Why Use Storytelling in Graphic Design?

Expressing a plain and distinct brand message in every aspect, including graphic design, is an underutilized yet effective means to communicate with an audience. This message is often best expressed with storytelling.

By studying key aspects of narrative theory, plot, and emotion a more robust means of connecting with an audience is established. Furthermore, applying the same principles to graphic design creates a unified message that conveys both information and emotion. Many designers focus on aesthetics alone when in reality they should be exploring more efficient forms of communication. Certainly, beautiful and appealing design is helpful but if it does not necessarily contribute to the overall message. The ability to deliver consistent meaningful and emotional imagery is a key factor in what will contribute to the success of a brand in the eyes of its consumers.

By using the methods outlined in my last blog graphic designers, marketers, brands, and individuals can begin the process of shaping their stories. By no means is this an exhaustive list nor is it meant to be the only criteria to measure good storytelling. The mediums, methods, and styles necessary will always be changing but at the root of good storytelling is connection.

By authentically connecting with an audience in any medium trust will begin to be established. The ability to build a brand platform is easier than ever and yet so saturated with voices clamoring for attention it is difficult to be heard. The capacity to be memorable in a media hoard is one way to stand out in the crowd. By utilizing the same storytelling techniques that have connected humanity throughout history perhaps more meaningful communication from brands to individuals will arise. It seems the brands that affirm values their customers wholeheartedly agree with tend to last while ephemeral trends ebb and flow.

The ability for these brands to survive is not solely due to superior products or service, it might be that it is also the narrative they have crafted around themselves. The belief of the consumer in the brand reinforced through consistent story messaging is an aspect that made them successful to start.

It is integral to communicate a singular message including through the use of graphic design. By developing a narrative through visual symbolism graphic design can support memorable connection to most visual situations. The methodology and information in this thesis is meant to aid visual communicators in connecting with their audiences.